Welcome to twerp

twerp is a command-line utility for making phone calls, conference calls, and sending and receiving SMS text messages with Twilio’s API. It is written in Python.

Example Usage

$ twerp -N

List your Twilio phone numbers

$ twerp -Nv

List lots of details about each of your Twilio numbers:

$ twerp -m ‘this is a test’ -s +12135551212

Send SMS message to +12135551212

$ twerp -d +12135551212 -y “Hi, how are you? This is twerp. Good bye.”

Call +12135551212 and have Stephen Hawkings say “Hi...”, then hang up.

$ twerp -d +12135551212 -u http://computer.net/twiml.xml

Call +12135551212 and execute the TWIML at given URL

$ twerp -i -d +12135551212 -u http://computer.net/twiml.xml

Call +12135551212 and execute the TWIML at given URL, then go interactive command-line mode. You can then modify the call live with different verbs such as ‘url <URL’ to re-route calls.

$ twerp -d +12135551212,+13235551212 -u http://twimlets.com/conference?Music=rock

Call two numbers and put them in a conference room. First one gets rock music till another caller joins.

$ twerp -l

List all of your SMS messages (Be careful if you have zillions, filtering coming soon)

$ twerp -S nnnnnnnnnnnn

Show details of SMS message by SID
$ twerp -C
List all voice conferences in-progress.
$ twerp -P
List particpants in each voice conferences in-progress.


  • Rob Cakebread - Author